28 October 2011

26th October 2011

Dear Asian Presidents,

One of the commitments I made when doing my presentation and standing for election for WACS Continental Director for Asia position was, that I would appoint two assistants, to help me cover the vast area of Asia as Assistants to the Continental Director.

The idea was to have one in the West and one in the North and myself covering as much as possible in the South East. This process has taken me a little longer than I had originally planned, but then again I had to show protocol and request permission from their respective Presidents. After this  process, I had to present this plan to the WACS Board meeting that recently took part in South Africa.

I would like to introduce you to Ms. Shang Haling who is the Secretary General of the China Cuisine Association and will help me promote WACS in the Northern regions of Asia. And our West Asian representative will be Baranidharan, P or as he prefers, Barani who works with Custom Culinary based in Bangalore, India.

We are planning to set up Skype meeting between the 3 of us to help promote our region and the Chefs of Asia, their tasks will not be limited to this but also to liaise with various countries who request help that I cannot meet with in regards to Education, Training, Marketing, WACS’s Chefs Without Borders program, Competitions and having Universities and Colleges WACS approved.

Please join me to thank these two dedicated people for their time and energy they have already started to commit to WACS and the future of our industry, we look forward to working more closely with our current WACS family and family members of the future.

Kind regards
Rick Stephen
Continental Director - Asia

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