What a summer vacation it was indeed. The annual event of supporting our
community by “Cooking with Love - Cooking for Taiwan” Tour, from Central to South, North to East was for many students,
lectures, young chefs, volunteers and our association committee and its members
no option for a second thought! Who says you cannot have fun whiles cooking on
the road?
The call by the Taiwan
Chefs Association–Young Chefs Club headed by our committee Vice
President Chef Simon Chan received numerous feedbacks as to spend their
vacation with members of our society who are underprivileged. The preparation
with the support from over 17 colleges and sponsorship from 37 food manufactures
from all provinces lasted 4 month and was held for 18days from July 5 until
July 22. 2018.
Like in the Olympics, we stuffeled by passing on the “Cooking with Love”
fire from Central
district to the South
district, taking
over from the North
district to the East.
Our first journey on 5 July took us to Hongdae Technical University
were we supported the “Xìn Wàng Love Smart Development Centre”. A themed exotic
food carnival luncheon filled with games, dances and magic was presented to the
joy of members whom are underprivileged in regards to academic and mental

A luncheon on 8 July was served at the Child
Protective Service Nursery, Tounan, Taiwan with a wide selection of food,
games, magic show and an extra ordinary appearance and performance with TVBS. A
rewarding tribute to our casting members.
We continued our drive and arrived on 12 July at
Aoyama Castle Peak Nursery, Gaoshu Township, Pingtung County, Hsinchün, Taiwan
where we prepared a wide variety of luscious meals for the community, there
family and kids. Cooking classes, games and a lavish entertainment filled the
day with amuse to all, in majority to the youngsters.
We arrived 13 July for a visit with a prepared
luncheon for community members at the Pingtunng South Peony Township East
Source Tribe. The fun-filled day with an in-depth insight on the live within a
tribe was rewarding to all of us as we have shared, mentored and lived among
nature and the laughter of children’s in specific.
On 22 July we travelled North from Taichung as
we reloaded our food materials at pre-dawn and arrived at the Nanya Institute of
Technology, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, were we were greeted by the “Poor Family
Association”. Heart-warming smiles filled the day as we entertained, shared
live stories and prepared a luncheon buffet followed with some games and a
fun-filled afternoon.
A night at a nearby Temple gave us shelter and a chance to reflect our life with what we have so far experienced. Our journey continued on 23 July early in the morning to the “Flower Native Children Home” in Nanao-Yilan Country, East Taiwan; home for members suffering Autism; were we met underprivileged children in great needs. The visit was specially arranged as to make donations of material and food commodities for the daily usage and joy to its members.
Great appreciation and sincere thanks towards Master
Chen Siu Lun for the great sponsoring of a closing dinner on 24 July at the
completion of the tour.
All in all, the 18 days of a summer vacation 2018 TCA “Cooking for Love -
Cooking for Taiwan” Tour was greatly enjoyed by all, filled with fun
and was to all of us a extreme learning curve in appreciating life and sharing
moments with members of our society whom are underprivileged.
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